developer documentation v0.0.27
mimik Developer Documentation
  • Welcome to the mimik Developer Documentation

Welcome to the mimik Developer Documentation

Welcome to the mimik Developer documentation for edgeEngine and associated technologies.

This sites is focused presenting edgeEngine technologies to developers who want to get an understanding of how to work with the technologies.

The contents of this documentation are divided in three main topics: Introduction, Key Concepts and Tutorials.


This section of the mimik Developer Documentation contains documentation that introduces a developer to the 2 essential components of edgeEngine technology: the edgeEngine Runtime, and the edgeEngine Service Mesh.

Key Concepts

This section of the mimik Developer Documentation contains the key concepts a developer needs to understand in order to work effectively with edgeEngine.


This section of the mimik Developer Portal contains tutorials that demonstrate various aspects of creating and deploying microservices within the edgeEngine ecosystem.

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